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Angela Latin Soul Dance

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

Nobody leaves a Zumba® class in a bad mood, and we want to spread the word! On World MentalHealth Day, October 10th, Zumba Love invites us to “take a break + shake” as we share back-to-back, mindful moments in the class.

Join us as we clear our heads, shake our hips, and feel our best.

More than ever, I'm more conscious of the connection between Mental Health and Zumba.

I read Loretta Bates's post this morning and felt every word she wrote. Let me share it with you today. Loretta is one of the Zumba ZES I admire and follow; she has also become a Certified Wellness Coach. Loretta invited us to do some homework. Are you ready?

Do something, ANYTHING for your mental health STARTING today, and then continue that practice every day!

Health is not simply the absence of disease but the presence of wellness.

Wellness includes physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and mental wellness and encompasses every area of our lives. And an imbalance in one area can and will affect others.

So what is it that you will do today? Will take a walk? Will you spend some time in prayer or meditation? Will you take a bath? Will you call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time? Will you make time for exercise? Take a Zumba class? Will you stretch or maybe do some breath work?

Whatever it is, make time for it today and every day because you are worth it! And if you need to speak with a professional in any of these areas, do not be afraid to reach out to one! We all need help at some point! Today, perhaps you need help, and tomorrow you may be the one offering help! Thanks, Loretta, for this powerful message!!! #zumbaloverevolution #latinsouldance21 #zumbamentalhealth #zumbahelps #zumbawithAngela #zinnow #worldmentalhealthday #mentalheatlth #wellness #wellbeing #reachout #inspiration #motivation


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